PyGas Probes /Reflux Probes

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  • PyGas Probes /Reflux Probes

Analysis of gas constituents in a running plant is sometimes extremely difficult due to the harsh and complex process conditions and the exacting measurement requirements. Process Analytik Instruments present the Distillation Gas Sample Probe from Ametek, USA for critical and difficult processes such as -

  •  Gas Sampling in Decoke operations
  •  Gas Sampling in Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Units (FCCU)
  •  Gas Sampling in Syngas
  • Pyrolysis Gas Sampling

The Distillation Gas Sample Probe is very suitable for installation such as Decoke headers, Hot, wet or dirty processes, Pyrolysis gases, Heavy Particulate removal and fine carbon removal. The high- performance design of the Distillation Gas Sample Probe, also known as a Reflux Probe or Pygas Probe is ideal for use in Ethylene Furnaces, FCCUs and Coke Ovens. Some of the features that ensure high performance and uninterrupted operation include- - Accurate Temperature outlet gas temperature control (± 1F) with the optional Electronic Controller (EC)

  •  Dual Pneumatic Controllers available
  • Prevents liquid carryover
  • Remote monitoring
  • Self-cleaning separator
  •  Reduced maintenance
  • Removable one piece 316SS separator
  •  Automatic sampler shut-down on high inlet temperature or high outlet temperature with optional EC
  •  High “R” Factor Cooling Chamber
  •  Probe can be sized to supply 1-5 LPM of Sample
  •  Suitable for Hazardous Areas

The Universal Analyzers Model 1221 Distillation Sample Probe is a powerful product that helps customers achieve unparalleled performance due to-

  •  Pre-fabricated and integral insulation, requiring no onsite installation
  • High-powered cooling with single or dual-vortex cooling or electronic cooling
  •  Self-cleaning internals requiring no maintenance over long periods
  • High temperature stability of conditioned gas for stable analysis
  • Self-diagnostics, remote monitoring, configurable alarms and DCS integration capability
  •  Options of Pneumatic or Electronic operation and control

Process Analytik Instruments, is the authorized distributor for the Ametek Universal Analyzers Distillation Sample Probe. Our applications experts with their extensive experience, provide end-to-end support to customers, from model and configuration-selection to onsite installation and use, for the best ROI possible.


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504 Pushpagriha CHS, Corner of 16th Road and P D Hinduja Road, Bandra West, Mumbai, 400050, Maharashtra, India.

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