Honeywell Elster Ultrasonic Flow Meters

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Honeywell Elster Ultrasonic Flow Meter

The Honeywell Elster Ultrasonic Flow Meters are available for a wide variety of applications and onsite conditions including -

  •  Multipath Ultrasonic flow meter for high-accuracy
  •  Explosion-proof Ultrasonic flow meters
  •  Custody transfer flow meter for Natural Gas
  •  OIML R137-1 compliant (fiscal meter) and AGA9 compliance
  • Large diameter ultrasonic flow meter

The ultrasonic flow meters available include-

  • The Elster Qsonic-Max Ultrasonic Flow Meter

The Elster Qsonic-Plus Ultrasonic Flow Meter

  • The Elster Twin-Sonic Ultrasonic Flow Meter

The Honeywell Elster flowmeters combine reflection paths with direct paths, to generate detailed flow profile measurement and also measure with excellent noise immunity. Due to this unique patented path configuration, the device offers the lowest uncertainty possible with the most extended diagnostics capabilities. The reflective paths with their sophisticated diagnostics mean the meter quickly identifies swirl, fouling or liquids inside the meter.


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