Condition Monitoring of Rotating Machines

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Condition Monitoring of Rotating Machines

Process Analytik Instruments provides an array of solutions that help our customers to manage their rotating assets. The Condition Monitoring products and solutions provide the features and benefits of-

  •  Industry 4.0
  • Leading Fault identification based on Comprehensive Fault Coverage
  • Predictive Reporting with high repeatability and accuracy
  •  Reliable Early Fault Detection due to high sensitivity and spurious signal elimination
  • High certainty of analysis and reporting

The Condition Monitoring products and systems offered by Process Analytik Instruments cover - Fixed Installations for continuous monitoring and reporting at a local level

  • Fixed Installations for continuous monitoring and reporting across diverse locations
  • Quick-check testing, analysis and reporting for individual equipment
  • Motor Condition Analysis
  •  Condition Analysis of Driven Equipment including bearing condition, foundation, structural integrity
  •  Mechanical, Electrical, Structural, Process and Environmental conditions and faults

Condition monitoring solutions are based on mathematical model-based evaluation of the electro-mechanical behavior of various components of the rotating system. This provides -

  • Condition Analysis of Power Supply
  •  Electrical Condition Analysis of Motor including stator, rotor, electrical integrity, etc
  •  Mechanical Condition Analysis of Transmission, Driven Equipment, Bearings, Rotor, Stator, etc


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Office Location

504 Pushpagriha CHS, Corner of 16th Road and P D Hinduja Road, Bandra West, Mumbai, 400050, Maharashtra, India.

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